Canada Work Permit Consultants in Dubai
When an employer wishes to hire a foreign national worker, he/she must receive approval from the Canadian Government first before any hiring can be applicable. This is known as Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). To receive an effective LMIA, the employer must prove that by hiring a foreign national it will have a positive contribution to the Canadian labour market and that no Canadian National were passed up in favour of the foreign national. In addition, they must ensure that the foreign worker will be given a salary and the appropriate benefits that meet the federal and provincial standards. HOF is reliable canada work permit consultants in dubai.

Once the applicant receives a job letter from the employer, our consultancy will apply for your LMIA application and ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements as per the Government of Canada. Our consultants possess all current knowledge about the several policies that have been put front by the government hence we will ensure that your travel to your dream destination will be easy. if you want to get Canada work permit lmia in Dubai then we are always there to help you